by Dragos Truscan | Mar 16, 2020 | article
Papyrus is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling tool for the Eclipse Modeling Framework and provides tool support for executable UML modeling. It includes technologies for the simulation and debugging of models, as well as editing facilities to produce...
by Dragos Truscan | Mar 8, 2020 | article
Due to the widespread availability of high-speed Internet, the level of expectation of the users with respect to the performance of web-based software systems has changed dramatically. For instance, about 40% of the customers will abandon a web application if the...
by Dragos Truscan | Jan 14, 2019 | article
Summary of the new research contribution to MegaMart2: A Contract-Based Approach to Scheduling and Verification of Dynamic Dataflow Networks by Jonatan Wiik, Johan Ersfolk and Marina Waldén presented at MEMOCODE’18 (16th ACM-IEEE International Conference on...
by Dragos Truscan | Nov 26, 2018 | article
Software development is nowadays largely the process of integrating existing features and reusing them by writing client code interfacing to one or more Application Programming Interfaces (API). Thus, APIs are the key to software reuse: they allow programmers beyond...
by Dragos Truscan | Nov 6, 2018 | article
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) [1] promotes models as cornerstone components in software development. Verification and validation of models become important activities to ensure the quality of a system. Effective model verification and validation methods can reduce...